on Thursday 7 April 2011
1 When the researcher asks the respondent face to face question, this method is called:
    Interview guide

2) Power that people consider legitimate is known as:

3) Social Structure of a society is the network of:
    Institutional relations

4) WID approach believes in:
    Incorporating women in development activities

5) Geronotology is the study of:
     Aged and Aging

6) The most pervasive of the social processes are:

7) Abstract Sentiments are:
    Provide a focus for allegiance

8) The creative potential of personality is accounted for by:
     Drive psychology

9) The country with better record for gathering population statistics then any other is:

10) The exception to the typical application of endogamy is:

11) Stratified samples fall under:
       Probability sampling design

12) Egoistic, the special type of suicide presented by Emile Durkheim spring from:
               Excessive individualism

13) A close connection between religion and economic forces was presented by:

      Max Weber

14) A large kinship group whose members inhabit one geographic area and believe they are descendent from a common area is known as:


15) A social condition in which values are conflicting, weak or absent is:


16) In theoretical field social research aims at:

     identifying delinquent behaviour
     Organizing social data

18) Independent variables are:
      Experimental Groups

19) Qualitative Data Means:
      Expressed in words

20) A Likert scale emphasizes

21) When the researcher asks the respondent face to face questions, this method is called
       Interview Schedule

22) Endogamy is the marriage among certain relatives.

23) ----------- Is the process by which people learn all patterns of               

        social life.

24) According to ------- all societies across the world are stratified.

25) Biological characteristics distinguishing male from female is called ------

26) A family consisting of step relations is called :
      Extended family

27) Power that people consider legitimate is known as

28) Mugging, rape and burglary are examples of ------- crimes.

      general crimes

29) A norm is always enforced by sanctions.

30) Society is the largest and most complex group that sociologists study.

31) Social structure of a society is the network of -------------
      Compliance to norms

32) Polygamy means ------------------

      Several Marriages

33) Demography means -------------:
      Human Population

34) ------------ is striving for equal treatment of women and men and for abolishing inequality.:

35) WID approach believes in:
       Incorporating women in development activities

36) Is Pakistan a signatory of CEDAW?

37) Symbolic behavior of a person means ------------
      Meaningful behavior 
38) Gerontology is the study of ---------------

      Aged and aging

39-Human and animal societies share all but one of the following characteristics:
Shared beliefs and collective destiny.

40-The essential function of punishment in society is:
       Affirmation of moral standards

41)The most pervasive of the social processes are:

42)One of the following is alien to the concept of culture:

 43)A human being deprived of all communication with other humans from birth would lack all but one of the followings:

44)Abstract sentiments are :
       Are compellers of action

45)A person is conciously motivated primarily by his:
      Real traits

46)The creative potential of personality is accounted for by:

      Trait psychology

47)Once formed the self is:

48)In modern society, cultural change is most likely to be the by product of:


49)The country with better record for gathering population statistics than any other is:

50)The population of the world is expected to double in the next :
      35 years.

51)In 2014, the estimated world population would reach
        6.0 billion.

52)Economic growth will keep pace with population growth only if there is :
       Available acreage

53)The price paid for increased mobility includes a decrease in :

       Loyalty to superior

54)The trend toward urbanization is most advanced in :

55)In a highly intra-competitive situation, individual can guarantee the trust of peers by :
      Genuine goodwill

56)The item alien to the concept of mass is :

(57) Etnocentricism means:

No other society is like your's and your society or group is superior to

(58) Social facts have thier independent existence and must be studied
likewise. Who remarked above when discussing scientific method:

Auguste Comte


(59) An exploratory research design the major focus is on:


(60) Social institutions are ;
Consultellation of folkways and moresaround some important functions(s) of society.

(61)A counter culture:
           Has to be against the existing cultural ethos/values 

(62) Family Laws Ordinance was passed for the first time in:

(63) Demographic Transition exhibits:
          High birth rate and low death rate in its first phase.

 64) As a conquence of rural urban migration:

ruralization of urban areas and ribbon growth seem to be the result

(65) In a patriarchal family the major decision are taken by the:
          The male head of the family who weilds all powers

(66) Sociologists believ that:
          Individaul is the product of social group within which he     

           is socialized

(67) Those who cannot compete have no right for higher learning and must be refused accordingly who believed in the above thesis?

(68) Whose theorizing social change is depicted/comes closer to Iqbal's verse:
"AA tujh ko bataon main taqdeer umam kia hai
shamsher w sanna awwal taoos w rabab aakhir"


(69) The lowest density of populationper square kilometer is found in:


(70) Alteration is the state of affairs in which:

        the society has no norms and if there are any nobody follows the 

(71) The rate of return for a mailed questionaire is usually:

           very low

(72) According to Emile Durkhiem the Mechanical Solidarity is based on:
      blood relations and neighbourhood 

73)Role confusion in modern society is engendered by all but one of the following:
       increase in number of achievable positions